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Antropoquê? - NEI 2019 - Noite Europeia dos Investigadores, dedicated to the topic Science in the City, MUHNAC, 27 September 2019. 

Module prepared in the context of two scientific projects funded by FCT and involving CIUHCT members – VISLIS and ANTHROPOLANDS (PTDC/IVC-HFC/6789/2014).  Addressed to kids and youngsters, the module offered a 12-card game exercising the visual memory of participants, and including pictures related to landmark scientific institutions in Lisbon and antropocenic landscapes. link

Science, Technology and Medicine in Lisbon on the year 3000 - NEI 2018 - Noite Europeia dos Investigadores, dedicated to the topic Science in the City, MUHNAC, 28 September 2018. 

Based on the VISLIS’ on-going research on urban utopias, and specifically dialoguing with the engineer Melo de Matos’ paper “Lisboa no ano 2000”, published in  (1906), Ana Simões, Maria Paula Diogo and José Carlos Avelãs Nunes prepared the module addressed to kids and youngsters called “Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina na cidade de Lisboa no ano 3000”. link

90’ Ciência. STM in Lisbon, 21 May 2018

Radio Program 90 seconds of science (90’ Ciência), Episode 389, Ana Simões speaks about Project VISLIS and STM in Lisbon. link

TEDx Almada on Diversity (Diversidade).20 January 2018.  

Based on the VISLIS’ on-going research on urban utopias, Maria Paula Diogo delivered the TEDx Almada talk on "Túneis e Pontes: Lisboa e Almada entre utopias e realidades". 

Game Board Tour in Lisbon, 27 September 2017  

Lídia Fernandes conceived and headed the 3-hour tour “Tabuleiros de jogo em Lisboa: turismo em torno de um património lúdico”, commemoration of the International Tourism Day, supported by Museu de Lisboa-Teatro Roman and MUHNAC. 


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